Three-Headed Ponder

Thoughts on the weird and wonderful world of managed and unmanaged communications that surround us all.

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Brand refreshment is probably overdue:

If you’ve ever delivered a brand refreshment project, you’ll know that such projects often begin long after a rethink was due: What was agreed as core messaging only a couple of years ago is unlikely to have stood the test of time. Today, more than ever. Currently, even without a pandemic, there are so many seismic trends affecting major markets, that most organisations need to rethink their core messaging annually....

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Three-headed thanks

Right now, thanking everyone who has helped to keep the three heads busy feels important. So, if what follows feels a bit like an Oscar Acceptance speech, do bear with me! But, before the thanks, a couple of quick observations: It’s a good time to review and rethink Right now turns out to be an excellent time for brand development, strategic reviews and stakeholder research. Everyone is in. There is...

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John Lennon and Flexibility

I’m half-wondering if blogging on a website is going out of fashion.  But maybe blogging is a way to try to Take Back Control in these strange and anxiety-provoking times. The truth is, though, that we have no control. The recent virus outbreak, and the accompanying economic contagion, reminds us all of that timeless John Lennon quote: that “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.  The perfect description of 2020...

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Join the campaign to Abolish August

As I write this, it’s clear that the can-kicking season has well and truly begun. Hardly a meeting goes by without somebody suggesting that we “pick this up in Q3”. September clearly now starts in July. Just as, for the seriously workaholic amongst us, Monday starts at around 3pm on a Sunday. If not earlier. What this is all about is not counting August. Nobody puts August into their major...

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2018 – A Year of Nothing to Fear but Fear itself ?

It’s hard to write about the business climate these days without straying into the politics of fear. It’s been a weird year. On both sides of the Atlantic, people voted in 2016 in response to cleverly constructed, factually questionable campaigns provoking a fear response. On both sides of the Atlantic, we’ve ended up with something far more scary as a result. Voting out of fear rarely leads to a good...

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We are all too busy

According to a recent article in The Observer 75% of teachers are suffering from serious stress at work. Sadly, I wasn’t too surprised to read this. What was more surprising was that 62% of the entire working population of the UK reports serious, work-related stress. That can’t be good. There are plenty of clever articles online about why we all seem to be getting busier and busier. This one, in...

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Who do you LOVE?

Hello people out there in the digital world. This won’t take long, promise. I’m doing a pre-Valentines survey about brands that people are prepared to say that they LOVE: If you just comment below, I can enter your ideas into the research project. And if you also want to mention a brand that you hate, that’s OK too. So, let me know which brand is feeling your LOVE right now?

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Looking back on predictions

It’s easy to do year-end predictions, right? After all, nobody bothers to check them. Wrong. As a piece of fun, I thought I’d have a look at a couple of serious newspapers, and see what they predicted for 2017. How much did they get right?  And how much did they get wrong? Our two victims are The Guardian (very worthy) and The Financial Times (very serious indeed). To be fair,...

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No agreement on Holidays and Email

Shock horror. You don’t all agree !!! Further to my blog published in the Silly Season, about emails and holidays: It is clear from the various responses that there is a huge variety of opinion on this subject. Some claimed to ignore emails completely while on holiday.  Others thought that the question was silly: of course they checked their mails, regularly, every day, holiday or no holiday. My own experience was that I did end...

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Holidays and email – what’s going on?

I have been trying to find out how many people have a holiday in which they remain out of contact with their office. In which, in short, they resist checking their email. Back in 2015 The Daily Mail reported that one in three of us check our work email every day when we are on holiday. As that article highlights, this may be entirely voluntary.  As in: some of us...

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