Working with clients

When working direct with clients, Mark advises senior managers on a wide range of challenges involving commercial strategy, brand architecture, service offer and marketing communications.

In recent years, in the role of Consultant to the Board, he has helped a number of SMEs to be bolder and clearer about their competitive advantage ahead of an offer for sale.

sector experience

  • Financial services: including venture capital firms
  • Professional Services and Accountancy Firms
  • Retailers: a wide range
  • Health & fitness, leisure, betting and entertainment
  • Property developers
  • Telecoms and IT services
  • Automotive and engineering sectors
  • Business-to-business: a broad mix
  • Drinks, fmcg and hospitality sectors
  • Government bodies, galleries & museums

brands worked with since 2003 include:

3i, AA, Agthia, Albatross Travel, AXA, Argos, BT, Barking Heads, Bright Grey, BUPA, Capgemini, City Inns, Clerical Medical, Comic Relief, Credit Suisse, Defaqto, Design Council, Development Securities, Fidelity, Finders Keepers, Friends Provident/Orion, Fusion Investments, GE Money, Hickory’s Smokehouse, Ibacas, John Lewis, Kwik Fit, KPMG, Ladbrokes, Land Securities, Legal Finance Group, Microsoft, Oral-B, PeopleSafe, Positive Solutions, Potts & Co, PruHealth, Ridgeons, Robert Dyas, Sesame, Simplyhealth, SSS Systems, Thomas J Fudge, True Potential, The Elders, Turtle Bay, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Group, Wavex, Yoo

For more specific information

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